By Dan Mitchell, MLM Blog Correspondent

This from the Agel Trend blog:


  * 增加『督導』位階,小邊一千分即為督導。

  * 對等獎金增加

督導                         10%(第一代)
經理                         15%(第一代)
資深經理                  20%(第一代)

Great news regarding the compensation plan.  The Board has been going back and forth with the company on the best merge of the two plans. One sticking point has been Asia.  The Diamonds there have been a little hesitant to lose that extra 1.5% bonus pool they have there,  since they are having some great momentum right now.  But of course we didn’t want to have too much pressure on the cap. So we made a proposal to the company over the weekend, asking them to raise the cap from 50 to 51%.  And if they were willing to do this, the Diamonds would be willing to eat the extra half percent.  The Board met this morning and agreed, so we have some exciting news to share with the field.

We will now adopt the new merged plan, with the Executive Bonus changed from the old confusing option to the Executive Rank Advancement Bonus, where the shares are divided by Rank Advancements. We will have the new Supervisor Rank (1,000 CV in lesser leg), and the Leveraged Matching Bonus will now be paid to Supervisors (10% first generation),  Managers (15% first generation) and Senior Managers (20% first generation).  The LMB will stay the same for the other ranks.

This means some very good things.  First while other companies are cutting plans (at least 3 I have heard of), we actually added to ours. It’s win-win, because it keeps the traction we have happening in Asia rocking, and gives the rest of the world a chance to get the same kind of Supervisor factory going.  For $100 million in sales, this mean Agel is actually paying another one million dollars to the field.  For $200 million, it’s two million dollars more to us, and so on.  So this is a serious investment in the field that will come to millions of dollars from the company.  And most importantly, it means that we will all be working the same plan everywhere around the world.

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