Additional details have come in about the Imagenetix vs. MonaVie Multi-Billion Dollar lawsuit.

In my last post I wrote about a "culture of overlooking" and I am now more convinced that is true of the leadership behind MonaVie.  There is little question that MonaVie has (had?) some serious momentum.  The only question is how they got the momentum.  It appears at this point that much of the momentum was created with questionable claims about the MonaVie juice product.

I feel bad for the individuals within "The Team", apparently mislead about the leadership behind MonaVie.  They leave the lawsuits, chaos and turmoil of Quixtar to find themselves with a $2.75 Billion lawsuit hanging over their heads, (out of the frying pan and into the fire, so to speak).

OK, enough commentary and opinion, here is a great summary of what is known from IBOFightBack at Get The Facts – The Truth About Amway and Quixtar:

MonaVie apparently added small amounts of Celadrin to one of their products for a brief time in 2005, but never purchased further supplies of Celadrin, and never obtained the sub-licence to use the Celadrin trademark. Despite this, there exist over 10,000 webpages advertising MonaVie as containing Celadrin    and promoting Celadrin’s health benefits – including recent sites by TEAM affiliated former Quixtar IBOs, the major MonaVie training company, Black Diamond University, and even a document still available on MonaVie’s own corporate website.
According to the Imagentix There also exists video footage from
February this year (2008) of MonaVie’s top distributor, Black Diamond
Brig Hart, explicitly describing Celadrin as an ingredient in MonaVie
Active and touting Celadrin’s health benefits.

Remember what I said about a "culture of overlooking"?

Based on the number of questionable health claims that I found on YouTube and throughout the Internet, there was a culture of touting these claims within MonaVie.  This is much less of a problem when the touting is done face to face, but we don’t (only) live face to face any longer.  We also live with technology.  MonaVie associates took their illegal claims enthusiasm for the product online and eventually ran into trouble when the claims were pointed out. 

Culture in Network Marketing does not happen from the bottom – up, it happens from the top – down.  In other words, low level associates did not all of a sudden get a bright idea to start talking about how MonaVie cures Lyme Disease. It was part of the culture.

Now we have this whole Celadrin issue.

There is clearly no Celadrin in MonaVie, yet everyone from the company to the top distributor (Brig Hart) is talking about the benefits of the Celadrin found in MonaVie.

Again, it’s the culture.

If the leaders are saying:  "We’ll look the other way and things will be OK as long as we are growing."

That is not true leadership and clearly that is not that way to operate a business that so many people rely on as their sole income.

"There is no moral precept that does not have something inconvenient about it."

– Denis Diderot