I often tell people that are just getting started in Network Marketing that they already possess the skills necessary to turn a profit within a couple of months. I am not down on self improvement, but self improvement should not be the focus of your business. Selling products and sponsoring people should be the focus.

John Hersey via MLM.com:

Being Authentic is about knowing ourselves and being true to who we are, not who we pretend to be or who others would have us be. When we were building in MLM my wife was fond of saying "this is a business of duplication, not imitation." All too often potential Contagious MLM Leaders come into the business and immediately attempt to be someone else. They try to do the business the way that Harry (their sponsor or upline leader) does the business. They ignore all reason and good judgment, forget about their own strengths (and weaknesses) and take on the behavioral style of someone else. They don’t just duplicate, they imitate. This generally leads to frustration and disappointing results. The would-be Contagious MLM Leader begins to question if the business actually works, or whether the business is right for them. Before long they are blaming others or gone from the business entirely.