Ellie Drake:

The Principle of Connecting: Most of us want to know how to connect
better with others in relationships of every kind, including business
relationships. We often feel the desire to connect, but sadly realize
that our attempts have not truly been successful. However, we can all
experience consistently satisfying connections when we understand the
hidden dynamics by which they are ruled.

Connecting occurs when one is simultaneously intra-connected and
inter-connected. Intra-connection is the connection of one to oneself.
Inter-connection is the connection of with others. These must occur at
the same time, although the intra-connection is the foundation of
inter-connection, and must be cultivated in order for connection to
really take place.

Imagine that our attempts to connect with others are like an iceberg.
The tip of the iceberg represents what we say.
The foundation of the iceberg, the base that holds the tip above the
surface of the ocean, is how we feel when we say what we say. The
feeling beneath the words provides an emotional current that gets
infused within the words as they are spoken. The reason why we feel as
we do is the point of origin of the feeling that becomes infused into
our attempt to connect.