I came across this cool site today while strolling around the internet over my morning coffee. if you're like many Network Marketers you've got a home office stuffed with books so this site will come in handy.

LibraryThing is the world's largest book club…and it allows you to catalog your books. Or let people know what you're reading…

It's a great place to meet people with similar tastes – connecting you with people who read what you do.

Read about LibraryThing in the .New York TImes.

Here's an excerpt:

Creating a catalog on the Web site is easy. Enter the title of one of your books, and the search engine supplies the rest of the details, like the International Standard Book Number, or ISBN, and a thumbnail image of the cover. Click again, and list the next item.

You can view or print your catalog instantly, sorted by author, for example, or by more personal tags like “books that mention Venice,” “books that touch on digital photography” or “books I’ve loaned out.” Collections can also be displayed by book covers.

Ms. Havemann, for instance, has catalogued all of the 2,956 volumes at her home, and no longer has to rely on hand-written notes or a spreadsheet. Now, as she collects new books — an unending and delightful process — she uses a portable bar-code scanner to accumulate their ISBNs, then downloads up to 500 entries at a time onto LibraryThing.

But the swift, accurate cataloguing of her books is not what she prizes most about LibraryThing.

“I love the social aspect,” she said.