There is a lot of talk from an anonymous Quixtar IBO on the QBlog forum about lowering the cost of the Quixtar business support materials system and thereby "fixing it".

For this fix to work, we must assume two things:

1. Quixtar is a good opportunity.

2. The system would work of if people weren’t making money on it.

To this I say, phooey and phooey.

Take 30 minutes and compare Quixtar’s prices and compensation plan to any number of other companies in the Direct Selling/Network Marketing industry and you will find that Quixtar has some of the most expensive products and one of the worst compensation plans in the industry. Couple that with the saturation of the Quixtar/System scam and plainly, Quixtar is not a good opportunity.

As for the system, while I am fundamentally opposed to the profits earned on books, cd’s and meetings, these profits are not the reason the system fails. If the training system worked and produced results, no one in their right mind would complain about paying $100-200 a month to plug into it.

It’s all broken and out of respect for my families dreams and goals, I am not about to hang out and see if they fix it. People (Quixtar IBO’s) deserve opportunity now.