Let’s face it. The world of Network Marketing has goofy titles, mostly gems and precious metals. Gold, Platinum, Emerald, Diamond to name a few. These titles usually represent some sort of rank or achievement within a company.

Over the years, distributors in Amway/Quixtar would take advantage of this hierarchy by making sure that those below them took everything they said as law. They formed tool system money making machines having nothing to do with the movement of products into the hands of real end users. Only the highest level gemstones participated in the profits of these systems and most others didn’t even know that the profits existed.

If you know that the title of Diamond is associated with milking hundreds of people out of book, CD, voice mail and function (meetings) money without regard for their financial success, you might get a bad taste in your mouth about titles.

However, what if the title is associated with hard work and real product volume? What if the associates "under" the titled person had an average of 6 customers each?

The most important titles I hold are husband and dad and frankly, I don’t care what you call me outside of that. In my opinion, a person that builds a solid business based on customers and real product volume deserves recognition.

Call them any title you want.

I’ll call those folks successful.