I found this quote from a former TEAM IBO on one of the forums, interesting stuff given what was being said by Bo Short about Quixtar more than 6 years ago while Woodward was defending the company and saying anything possible to harm Bo Short’s credibility:

"Despite my deepest respect for Orrin
and Chris, the fact remains that as leaders, they led thousands upon
thousands, who trusted them completely, in the wrong direction for
years, knowing full well what they were doing was not fully right. And
that everyone knew that Quixtar was the wrong partner. "


they would have recognized they were going the wrong direction 8 years
ago and led their flock beside cool waters rather than over a cliff or
into the thicket as they have now, imagine the difference it would have

Update: I made a slight change to the post title and content based on the information I received in a comment.