In a recent Networking Times interview, best selling author, David Bach had this to say about Network Marketing:

"The number one complaint I’d heard about (Network Marketing) was, "Most people don’t make a lot of money." I thought, "Okay, but do a lot of people make a little money?" Because if a lot of people make just a little extra each month, and you can teach them how to save that money instead of going out and spending it, then you’ve got a tool to help millions of people across the world to catch up."

I recently read, (but can’t remember where), that an additional $300 a month would keep the average person that files for bankruptcy from filing.

Network Marketing Training Tip:
Find a product in Network Marketing that you like and tell people why you like it. Tell 5 people a day for 30 days and see what happens. I would bet that $300 in net profit would not be far away.