"Good teachers borrow ideas, great teachers steal them."

– Mr. Swanson, Evergreen High School, (Retired)

The following was lifted from Dave Stone‘s forthcoming email to Passport associates.

Commitment to Communication.

The effectiveness of any team or organization is determined largely by consistent and focused communication. This is true whether we are talking about a business or an association or a family. At Passport, we recognize that regular and effective communication is an essential element of support for all associates.

We at Passport are committed to providing consistent and specific information to all associates. Corporate communication will be carried through a variety of sources such as email, teleconferences, weblogs, as well as the back office section of each associate’s replicated website.

In the coming days, we will discuss and outline our comprehensive approach to increasing corporate communications and our renewed commitment to providing you, our valued team members, and the timeliest source of information to assist you with creating a profitable business.

Additionally, we seek feedback from you and are taking steps to make it easier for you to share your thoughts and ideas, express your concerns, ask questions, and contribute your unique perspective in how we can make Passport the best opportunity possible for all associates.