The May/June 2009 issue of Networking Times is now available. The theme of the issue is "Elevating the Profession" 

What caught my attention first was an interesting interview of Randy Gage by John David Mann.  At the stroke of midnight last New Year's Eve Randy Gage released a document on the internet he called The MLM Revolution: A Manifesto. He'd clearly been watching Jerry Maguire on HBO earlier that day. It's worth a read.

Networking Times is always a great read. This sounds like a good issue with Josephine Gross leading off with an article called "Back to Basics".

The best thing about Networking Times is Art Jonak's Travel Report. Art is the real deal. This issue he writes about how facts tell, and stories sell.

They've also got a store that features time-tested training and prospecting tools. And their Networking University rocks as well. 

Buy a copy. Read it.