This comes from and appears to be posted by Jody Victor.

This seems to be a letter addressed to Jody from Jim Payne. It seems quite odd that Jody Victor would post this type of letter on a blog.


Thank you for your input regarding I
know you’ve sent several emails, so I’ll attempt to address the
multiple concerns you raise in this response.

1. Positioning
of Quixtar: The site is intended to lend credibility to the Quixtar
name, to provide a positive and safe place for prospects to go to read
and hear good things about the company, the plan, and the products that
support an independent business opportunity, as well as good things
about Independent Business Owners themselves. The site is also a
critical component of our reputation initiative and our opportunity to
take the offensive, providing positive stories and facts about the
various facets of Quixtar. We have not deviated from the original
objective, which is to offset the negative about Quixtar that resides
on the web. I recognize that the positioning of Quixtar is indeed
different than that which you previously requested of my staff. But,
quite frankly, we’ve decided we are not going to hide from the Quixtar
name. We find that many IBOs and the public comfortably interchange the
terms, moving easily from "a Quixtar business" to "an independent
business powered by Quixtar." We opted to do the same.

Testimonials: The site includes testimonials and endorsements from our
partner stores and from government and industry friends, per the
original plan. More will be going up over the next month. But these are
not testimonials about or endorsements for the business opportunity,
nor could they be. They reflect the actual and real experience that the
individual has actually had … either with Quixtar as a company or
with IBOs. Since none of these people have had direct experience with
the opportunity, they were not authorized by their respective companies
to do anything other than speak from their direct experience.

welcome from any of you suggested names of business leaders or
nationally known celebrities who will proudly endorse the business
opportunity! I know my staff requested contact names from the IBOAI
several times — unfortunately, none were forthcoming, so I think you
can appreciate the difficulty. Additionally, we lost some potentially
strong testimonials from people whose company simply does not authorize
public endorsements. We will continue to pursue the most credible
endorsements we can get, but we believe they must be real, not paid.

IBO Profiles: The profiles reflect real people who are caring, who had
a vision and a dream and who give back to others — a very positive
testimonial to the way in which this business can empower individuals.
We know from our research that the general public does not think of us
(IBOs or company) as caring, so we opted to lead with real life, giving
stories. More IBO testimonials will be going up, and you’ll see a
balance across difference levels and different motivations/dreams.
Regarding the way in which the IBOs refer to their business, all I can
say is that it was in their own words!

It’s your choice, Jody,
whether or not you decide to promote this new site within your
business. I hope, though, that you will see there is much positive and
factual data that is certainly beneficial for any prospect to see
before they do a Google search and encounter all the negative. Either
way, they’ll encounter Quixtar — let’s help them get the facts and see
the positive first!

On a side note related to positioning, I
have recently seen the IBOAI website positioning of Quixtar that
substitutes the word "Order Consolidation Site" for Quixtar and places
the primary focus of the business on joining a team. I need to be frank
— we are not aligned on this! I ask that you please remove that
content until we have had an opportunity to discuss further.

again, Jody, for your honest input and expression of concerns.
Regarding the issue of positioning, let me emphasize that we recognize
the importance of IBO organizations in building a brand and a community
as they engage in the critical role of training, supporting, and
mentoring IBOs. There is more than enough room for both brands,
Quixtar’s and the LOA’s, in the world of an IBO. I also believe that
there are so many positives about this business that need to be
communicated and that we agree on so many more issues than disagree (or
perhaps misunderstand) — so we need to remain committed to working
through any of our perceived differences.

Jody, I look forward
to spending time with you and others in the coming months so we can
find solutions that work for everyone and can continue to grow this
business for the benefit of IBOs at every level and all of us here at
the company.
