That is a direct quote from a web page that I recently stumbled across.  Outside of the statement being untrue, there is another major problem with the web page. 

See if you can spot it. Click Here.

Update: The problem I found has been fixed. The site didn’t have a place to capture a persons information.  It was a lead capture page without the capture at the time I first looked at it.

Update 2: I responded to a comment from the author of the web site in the comments and I thought it might be worth posting a couple of additional thoughts here.

Absolutes are stupid and in this case, wrong.  People have the right to say whatever they want, but when they state something as a fact and they are wrong, I have a right to point that out.  Even though I use the Internet to create leads (and I am really good at it), to suggest that face to face contacting and business building doesn’t work is simply naive.

As a matter of fact, my buddy, Todd Falcone (a multi-million dollar earner himself), interviewed a bunch of six and seven figure Network Marketing income earners about this very subject…

Check it out.