By Dan Mitchell, MLM Blog Correspondent

Here's a letter from the Vice-President of Communications at The Trump Network I found at Fast Company. It's going to be interesting to see the success of The Trump Network.

My name is Scott Stanwood, I’m the Vice President,
Communications of The Trump Network (formerly Ideal Health). I’m your
direct link to this new company. The Trump Network is a unique
marketing opportunity, designed to make you healthier with customized
vitamins and nutritional supplements. Also to encourage individuals to
become entrepreneurs and to take control of their financial well-being.

For decades, network marketers have talked about Donald
Trump’s support of network marketing as a way for individuals to make a
difference in their financial lives. Now The Trump Network is the only
network marketing company to bear his name. 

We’ve assembled a phenomenal group of leaders and multiple
product lines to guide you on your way to success. We’ll help you every
step of the way and provide solutions to health and lifestyle issues
almost everyone faces. 

If you know anything about network marketing-and anything
about the power of the Trump brand-you’ll know this is an extraordinary
opportunity. Our generous pay plan will reward you handsomely for
helping spread the word, providing everything from part-time income to
significant wealth, according to your goals.

Whatever motivates you, whether it be money, material
possessions, family, recognition, leadership, productivity, freedom,
purpose, causes, service, or just plain having fun, you’ll find it in
The Trump Network. If you want more info – feel free to get in touch or
visit the website

Talk with you soon,

– Scott