Some view the single minded persistence it takes to become a success in business as blind faith. I would challenge you to question and continually analyze your business situtation. Being persistent does not mean blindly following some upline guru. It simply mean that you focus your efforts on your goals. Remember to seek answers and input from many sources.

Network Marketing Success:

Why do so many people quit after just a few months when starting a home-based business? Did they not understand what it takes to create a successful business in general? Or, did they think operating a home business is merely to escape from a nasty boss and the daily commute?

In any new business, one must expect significant obstacles and disappointments. If you are not prepared to go through these emotional snake pits, you should not start any business.

Persistent people have one thing in common. They are single minded in their quest for success. They sleep and breathe their business both because they enjoy most of the work involved and they view it as their mission to be accomplished. They constantly strive for solutions when obstacles are encountered. They constantly analyze the situation and themselves on a mental scorecard. They seek answers everywhere until they get them. Sometimes answers come from unexpected places and at that the moment they can say, “my prayers are answered”.

With a nod to the MLM Business Opportunities Weblog.