Network Marketers can get so caught up in books, CD’s, and meetings that they never get around to marketing. Here is a great Q & A with Nancy Michaels, founder of Concord (Mass.)-based Impression Impact.

Q: Why do so many entrepreneurs struggle with marketing?

A: Marketing is seeing an opportunity where other people don’t. Most people start a business because they like what they do. But very few people have a great sense of how to market a product or a service that they may provide. If you have a small business you have to be the voice of the company and make sales and marketing a priority.

Q: For those that do make it a priority, what’s the next step?

A: Many wonder if they are doing enough. I often hear clients say that their marketing is mostly word-of-mouth. But they have to be doing something first, whether that is a great job, service, or product. To generate word-of-mouth they have to be making contact with clients on a regular basis, through e-mail, direct mail, or trade publications. But ultimately you need a mix over a period of time before people understand who you are and what you are trying to do.
