"Let me talk to you about the legal side, beyond price fixing, that deals with pyramids, that deals with the illegal operation of a business that does not have an end consumer, where the product is not retailed. That would include all books and tapes. The sad news, folks, is that when those things go out that way and they become excessive, beyond my ten or twenty percent theoretical guideline, hopefully acceptable, to where it’s a reasonable support system, but not beyond the reasonable element, then it becomes an out and out illegal pyramid."

– Rich De Vos, Amway Cassette Series VA-2160

Recent lawsuits suggest that diamonds tool income exceeds their Amway/Quixtar income by 9 to 1.

Quixtar/Alticor/Amway sued by IBOs

What does that say about the legality of the Amway/Quixtar tools systems?