According to a recent post at Orrin Woodward’s blog, the TEAM is lowering tool prices by 1/3 on tools related to building MonaVie.

The most telling (to me) is the following…

MonaVie rewards so lucratively in their pay plan that the MonaVie Executive Policy Council thought it was time to start the virtuous cycle we have been talking about.  Lower prices leads to a better education of the new person on business building techniques and principles.

You see, I believe that the profit motive in the tools system is a direct result of one of the worst compensation plans in Network Marketing.  Quixtar/Amway diamonds work very hard to get to their level of success and it’s human nature to want to be rewarded equitably for your labor. I wouldn’t be surprised if Orrin made double his Quixtar income with less people doing less volume in his new business.  That is not so much a testament to MonaVie (although they are certainly growing!) as it is a condemnation of Quixtar’s plan.  Orrin could have picked a number of great companies and accomplished the same goal.

If Quixtar truly rewarded their associates in an equitable fashion, there would be no need for the diamonds to replace supplement their income with an unequitable amount of tool money.