You are reading this post on what many people call the # 1 blog in the world on the subject of Network Marketing and guess where I get my Search Engine Optimization (SEO) advice from…that’s right, Ray and Ferny. Read on.

When it comes to providing real training and value my buds, Ray and Ferny, are raising the bar and everyone is raving. If you have not checked out their stuff, the first thing you MUST do is go check out this first video and get access to all the training, which in my opinion, they should be charging big money for:

Free MLM SEO Video

If you already seen what these former rocket scientists have to say, then you’re gonna be blown away by the giveaway of $7241 in actual SEO consulting packages and training they just announced. This is the type of big business stuff they normally get paid to do by their big clients like Mike Dillard, Jay Kubassek and many others.

Along with great training, they will show you how to get these packages:  

SEO Networker Free Bonus Materials

Crazy stuff! Enjoy!