I did an interview a couple of weeks ago for an upcoming book called Attraction Marketing and Networking Professionals. You can check it out here:

Ty Tribble Interview

Here’s a short snip:

I think attractive networkers provide people with great value whether or not they choose to be in business with them or not. They are looked upon as a resource. It’s interesting to me: I’ve got an annoying networker that just drives me batty. He absolutely provides no value to anyone. Every single pitch he makes is, “Get in now, retire, sign up today. Get rich.” And I am like, “Really? Do people really fall for that? This is your whole, entire pitch?” And I get an email, almost once a week, pitching his deal. He provides no value whatsoever to people who don’t decide to get into his deal, and then who knows what he is providing in terms of value to people who are already in his deal. His whole attitude – “Get in and retire” – I mean… it’s just annoying as hell.