I launched this site in October of 2003, before most people knew what a blog was and today if you do a search for “MLM Blog” or “Network Marketing Blog”, chances are, you’ll find MLMBlog.net, number one.

But truth be told, I didn’t do all that much with this site in 2011.  Writing a book, traveling and building my Social Marketing™ business took center stage.

So, I am going to ask my readers to support Ray Higdon as the top MLM Blogger for 2011.

If you want to be successful at MLM Blogging, the one thing that you could learn about MLM Blogging from Ray and something that I did for many years is learn to be consistant with your writing.

So, Ray is getting my vote this year and I hope that he will get yours as well.

If you want to learn my secrets about blogging, here is nearly 3 hours of training that I did on the subject of Blogging For Prospects (free for taking the time to vote for Ray).