In light of the recent meeting between Dick Davis, Brad Duncan and Preston of the Quixtar Blog, I thought I would share some of my thoughts about WWDB.

I was involved with WWDB, personally sponsored by Diamond, Samir Attalah and one deep from Triple Diamond, Brad Duncan. I resigned in 2003 from Quixtar and WWDB.

If I was forced to join Quixtar and utilize an existing system to build it,  I would re-join WWDB, (probably downline from Brad Wolgamott). I have spoken with hundreds of current and former Quixtar IBOs and based on those conversations as well as my own experience, I conclude that WWDB is probably the best training system in Quixtar.

However, if I was a leader within WWDB, I wouldn’t puff out my chest too far. Too many people still lose money and too few people are having success.

Pennies and Dollars

Brad Duncan used to tell people that he didn’t make pennies until you (the IBO) made dollars. I later found out that the statement was not true during a private meeting.

At the meeting, Brad compared his income to the contract of a professional basketball player who just signed for $85 Million.

Here are the different income streams Brad talked about:

Communikate Voicemail Money?

Tape/CD Money? You Bet. Even going as far as saying that "Bill Britt is not going to live forever and once he is out of the picture, there will be more money for WWDB diamonds".

Seminar and Meeting Money? Oh Yeah.

Web Site Money? Yes.

Book Money? You got it.

Quixtar Product Money? Never brought up. Not once, in three hours!

WWDB has made some baby steps towards progress but it’s not enough.

If Quixtar is really a great opportunity, why doesn’t WWDB run without profit?

Yes, train the WWDB associates to build a profitable business at cost.

I don’t think that the true purpose behind WWDB is to train it’s associates. I think that the true purpose is to make money.

I won’t hold my breath for real non-cosmetic (yes, Premier program is cosmetic) changes to the WWDB system. Even through WWDB may be the best of the Quixtar training systems, the WWDB Diamonds still make A LOT of money on the system.

The reality is that Quixtar is not a very good opportunity, and the only way Quixtar Diamonds live the lifestyle they do is because of system money.