I sometimes say that this site was the first MLM Blog, launched back in October of 2003, but MLM Watchdog, Rod Cook was actually the first MLM Blogger.

On January 26th, 2021 The MLM Watchdog, Rod Cook passed away.

Rod was an inspiration and one of the earliest industry leaders to support the work we did here at the MLM Blog.

Rod’s MLM Watchdog website was years ahead of it’s time. and his work as founder of the Distributor Rights Association was legendary.

Here are some quotes from his friends and colleagues:

His passion for improving MLM and NWM is legend. We have that passion in common. Troy Dooly and I were talking about Rod, just this past week… and the Distributor Bill of Rights… the legacy and vision for a better profession lives on.

– Mel Atwood

Rod Cook passed away this morning and it’s a sad day for our profession. He was a true pioneer and fighter for all of us! He and his wife Marcie Cook were the face of the Distributor Rights Association (DRA) and never lost sight of their mission!

– Tom Chenault

Many in this modern network marketing world, never had the honor of meeting Rod, let alone call him friend and mentor.

He was a loud voice and cared for the reps in the field so much! He took me under his wing over 20 years ago, and like any Drill Instructor made sure I fully understood what was most important… at least to him: “Troy companies come and go, the reps they are here forever so we must protect them!”

– Troy Dooly

Our thoughts and prayers are with Rod’s wife Marcie.


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