By Dan Mitchell, MLM Blog Correspondent
From OPB News:
Hard times can be busy times. That’s certainly what Bonnie Warren and Joey Levy find, taking care of their two kids, four-year-old Faye and eight-month-old Jaden, and trying to cover the bills on one one-and-one-half incomes.
But it’s summer, and the mood around the house is sunny. Bonnie’s carving out time for a new –hopefully lucrative — venture.
Bonnie Warren “I am a Mary Kay consultant. I’m nervous and excited at the same time. The lady that signed me up was telling me there’s three things that aren’t being affected by the economy: that’s alcohol, tobacco, and cosmetics!”
With her peachy skin and big blue eyes, Bonnie doesn’t wear much makeup herself, but she thinks she can still be a good representative.
Bonnie Warren “I was at Target and I did a lot of sales. And I’m really good at convincing people to do things.”
Persuasive skills are something Warren learned on her day job, as a certified nurse’s assistant at a long-term care facility. She hopes to squeeze in twenty hours a week on the beauty business.
Extra cash would go toward bills, and maybe a wedding stash. Bonnie and Joe have started talking about trying the knot in August 2010 – assuming they can afford it.
Bonnie’s still got student loans to pay off. And Joe hasn’t been able to get back up to full-time at work yet.
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Alcoholism is a term with multiple and sometimes conflicting definitions. Tobacco is an agricultural product processed from the fresh leaves of plants in the genus Nicotiana. It can be consumed, used as an organic pesticide, and in the form of nicotine tartrate it is used in some medicines.In consumption it most commonly appears in the forms of smoking, chewing, snuffing, or dipping tobacco, or snus.