While looking for Network Marketing news to keep you in the loop, I ran across a very interesting “Rip Off Report” about Ambit Energy.

Here is a portion of the report:

I am a new ambit energy customer and hadn’t had a problem with them until last month. I recently had a baby in Oct.2011, so I had to quit my job, and a month later my boyfriend changed his job also. We were managing fine, until Dec. came around.

With the holidays here and everything else, we were on a budget. I called an agency they told me about, that helps low income families pay their electrical bills.

One week before my Dec. bill was due I was approved and the agency sends ambit a pledge for $72.05, I called Ambit two days before the bill was due to let them know about the pledge and that the payment might be late, they said it was ok.

Then when I received my Jan. bill I noticed that I owed $171.33 for Dec. and Jan. but before I could call the agency or even make a payment my services were interrupted, without a disconnection notice.

We went to the agency right away and they told me that the pledge had been sent, but did not know why it hadn’t been posted!. They called Ambit and refax the pledge, and then asked me to make a $66.00 payment to ambit, for my service to get reconnected.

I called Ambit after I made the payment and was told that it would take 24hrs for the pledge to show on their system so that they couldn’t send a reconnect order until then.

The next day I get a lease violation at the apartments where I live, for having my electricity disconnected!.

A week after that incident I received a disconnect ion notice telling me that I had to make a $99.28 payment or I would get disconnected!

Whoa horse!  This person did not pay her bill and her energy company shut off her service for non-payment and that makes the energy company a rip off?

By the way, I do feel bad for this woman and the hardships she is going through.

But this really got me thinking about how the reputation of Network Marketing (and in this case, Ambit Energy) can be tarnished even though Ambit doesn’t appear to do anything wrong.

My guess is that energy, phone and other services might run into this type of thing a lot.

Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences.


Ty Tribble
Founder, MLMBlog

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