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About The Author
Ty Tribble
"MLM Blog founder, Ty Tribble is an Internet entrepreneur, author and Work At Home Dad who lives in Seattle, Washington with his wife, Richelle. Ty has been featured in Entrepreneur and Success From Home magazine and is considered by many as the founding father of MLM Blogging. Author of the book, ‘Double Your Income with Network Marketing’, Ty teaches lead generation strategies through social media and blogging to tens of thousands of Network Marketers around the world."
I’m more excited then ever! Really?
I applaud her for addressing the issue. She is putting the *best* spin on the situation possible, but she also seems to genuinely believe what she’s saying.
I dislike the use of the term “dream-stealers,” that is so 1970s MLM.
All in all I think she is upfront that she does not want to lose her team, does believe Arbonne will bounce back and remain viable and relevant (I will believe “150 new products” when I see it). She doesn’t come across as desperate or nasty like other messages I’ve seen, heard or read.
Something is better than nothing. She has an ok grasp of the process but doesn’t seem overly rosy either. She seems to have some personal integrity (by disseminating this message to her team) and commitment to keep working the company.
I would like JUST ONE upper level IC manager to acknowledge the horrible betrayal Arbonne has perpetrated on their sales network, though. I suppose if anyone said that publicly they would be terminated under the “non-disparagement” clause so I won’t hold my breath.
Poor gal, she believes the Spinning information given to her? Banks partnering with Arbonne? She obviously has never experienced a Corporate Chapter 11 – the Banks CONTROL them now and own them. This not a partnership.
I think she really believed what she said, but at the end of the day – they will learn this is nothing but “spinning” information.
I applaud her commitment, but I also feel sad for her blindness. She should of done her own due diligence to find out WHY and HOW Chapter 11’s take place.
Best of luck to her and the rest of loyal Arbonne Consultants. My heart goes out to all of you.
A few things stood out from this video:
First, when she said Arbonne had a lot of debt. I wonder why their consultants always talked about begin debt-free. I guess that was not true for the past how many years?
Second, if someone is a “naysayer” because they are reluctant to join an apparently “bank-owned/ bankrupt” mlm, why would she call them “dream-stealers”. Maybe “practical” is a more appropriate term.
Third, maybe the reason that the bank was willing to trade some debt for equity is they knew that was the only way to hopefully retrieve some of their investment. Otherwise, if consultants are not paid they would quit and then the bank would lose all their investment.
Fourth, 150 new products? That is not what Arbonne Consultants need right now… more products.
Fifth, I felt like I was listening to an Amway Diamond when she said “There has never been a better time to build your business.” Really? I guess being in the midst of bankruptcy provides a great environment to build a network marketing company.
Sixth, at one point she told people that if they lock arms and stay the course they will be “blessed”. Or, the other possibility is that the company struggles for years to come and the independent consultants continue to spend money they do not have to build a compensation plan that EVEN IN GOOD TIMES is difficult to make money in.
Seventh, I find it interesting how all of the high-ranking consultants have become economic experts with a deep understanding of bankruptcy laws and the various financial instruments that large corporations use to position themselves in tough economic times. OR, maybe she heard someone in her upline say it and it sounded believable and she is repeating it. Kind of like the “debt-free” mantra.
Lastly, I am certain she is going through a tremendous amount of anguish. Knowing that her team is probably falling apart and she is helpless to save it. In Arbonne’s comp plan high-ranking distributors struggled hard enough to maintain their teams, but being in this predicament is something she probably never bargained for. What is a leader to do? Quite simply, when confronted with a choice to place your team in harm’s way or lead them to safety…there is only one choice. You may have to sacrifice your personal income to do so…but that is what leaders do. I wish her wisdom and discernment…she is going to need it.
Well said, Experienced. This is a really sad thing for the industry in general. Arbonne’s products have always been good, the comp plan has always been mediocre.
The main point is what you said: you owe it to your team to protect their interests as best as possible.
You know, I wonder why she removed the video.
I knew in april of 2008 when candace Keefe and Stian Moirk left the company there was trouble> arbonne has unrealistic goals they dangle in front of you, they knew it and reduced their maintance by 20%, that’s still no good.
Not to mention they flat out lied in their “flip chart” they are a debt free company, a bunch of BS.The only ones that will prevail in this company are the top 10 income earners, everyone one else is screwed.
I got out with a 6,000 credit card debt becaused I listened to
my upline,if I had to hear them say one more time “call your wholesale buyers and offer 50% off so you can make your maintaince goal? Isn’t that why they buy a $29.00 membership fee so they can order when they want without me.It is very sad how Arbonne scammed us.
They don’t even own their patents, Candace keefe & S. Moirk does.
Candace know launched her own company with real expectations, maintaince at every level is 1,500 a month , not 40,000(rvp) 160,000 (NVP) You can’t buy your way to manager either. Her company rocks! Better price ,better products!
They actually have invited Stian to speak at NTC this year. They are trying to bring the vision of his dad alive. First they fire him when Bob henry was around and now he is back speaking. I wonder how much they had to pay him to do that. I hope in his case he does get some good cash. They treated him like crap and they fired him a few weeks before his dad died. Shameful.