To: Qualified Platinums

Dear Quixtar Business Leaders,

It has been brought to our attention that some Quixtar Independent Business Owners are actively soliciting prospective IBOs at Barnes & Noble stores, despite clearly stated store policies prohibiting solicitation by store visitors. This practice must be discontinued as it represents a serious threat to the relationships between Quixtar and Barnes& as well as to the reputation of the company and the business opportunity.

Quixtar’s Partner Store agreement with Barnes& does not extend to the separate business entity that operates Barnes & Noble stores. Quixtar IBOs are obligated to respect the No Solicitation policies of any establishment they visit, regardless of any e-commerce partnership arrangements that exist between that company’s web business and Quixtar.

IBOs are permitted to meet known prospects at the cafes within Barnes & Noble stores, as this does not violate the non-solicitation policy. Actively handing out brochures or approaching others within the store to strike up conversations that lead to a business pitch, however, does violate the policy and this practice needs to be discontinued as it is a rules violation and endangers our relationship with this well-respected national chain.

A poll conducted by Barnes & Noble of the managers of its more than 700 stores identified Quixtar IBOs as the most frequent violator of this store policy, with no other company-related group in second. This does not reflect well on the company nor on IBOs in general, and colors people’s attitudes and receptivity to the opportunity we offer.

Barnes & Noble stores have been alerted to Quixtar’s policies and rules. Store managers have been asked to refer all offenders to Quixtar Business Rules & Conduct. IBOs that break these rules will be disciplined. Please ask your groups to respect Barnes and Noble’s policies as well as Quixtar’s Rules of Conduct. If you have questions on this issue, please contact your Sales Advisor.

Our reputation is built on everything all of us do and say, all the time. Acting responsibly helps protect your reputation and businesses and the future for all IBOs. We appreciate your leadership and your efforts to help stop this form of prospecting.

Jim Payne
Managing Director
Quixtar Inc.