Author and productivity consultant Denis Waitley once said success in life comes not from holding a good hand, but in playing a poor hand well.
He might have been referring to his own credentials.
While Waitley, 73, toured the country revealing the secrets to success in books like Winner’s Edge and Seeds of Greatness, he neglected to mention an embellishment or two in his own biography. The Californian does not have a master’s degree and his Ph.D. appears to be from a now-defunct and never-accredited university.
The revelations, reported last week by a private investigator, have cost Waitley his position on the Usana Health Sciences board of directors, and further damaged the credibility of the Salt Lake City supplements maker.
Usana shares tumbled $3.52 in Friday trading on the Nasdaq Stock Market. At $46.87, the stock is at its lowest level since Nov. 17.
Not to be picky, but you misspelled a word the title.
His methods and strategies have still been proven in the most competitive arenas
I lost sleep after watching Waitly lie to a crowd with such bold affiance. Now I found that the Doctorate, or a Ph.D. in Human Behavior from La Jolla University I hearMr. Waitley’s resume, appears to have come from a now defunct and never-accredited “diploma mill,”.