I ran into something that I found interesting.
Here is a quote from QuixtarFacts.com:
While Mr. Scheibeler at first achieved considerable success in the Quixtar business, eventually his business failed…
From what I understand, Eric Scheibeler was an Amway/Quixtar Emerald and according to Quixtar, Mr. Scheibeler failed. Now I have read Eric Scheibeler’s ebook and I have some trouble getting all of his story to add up but he did achieve some level of success in Amway/Quixtar.
So if Quixtar considers someone that reached the level of Emerald a failed business, I wonder what they say about the millions of people that never made penny?
Also, from the Datline NBC story we learned that his best year was only about $30,000.
Not the 75k to 100k+ (lifetime residual) income that is promoted.
Matt – Scheibeler goes out of his way to only report net income. As a former federal auditor you can be sure that he was claiming every deduction in the book, so his gross income was likely much higher.
Quixtar reports actual average incomes for qualified Emeralds, and it's around $72,000 so the promoted incomes are roughly correct.
Ty – Scheibeler's business "failing" quite obviously happenned after he went Emerald. It's a part of the story we don't get to read much about from Scheibeler's side.