I was told a number of times that Univera’s AloeCorp was the largest producer of Aloe Vera…
FLP Brings Opportunity & Profit to Home-Based Entrepreneurs in Challenging Times | SYS-CON AUSTRALIA
Forever Living is the largest grower, producer and distributor of Aloe Vera and Bee Products in the world. A vertically integrated company distributing to 137 countries, they have state-of-the-art facilities on over 6 acres in Dallas, TX, and over 5,000 acres of aloe plantations in the Dominican Republic plus Texas and Mexico.
As a fact, I'am very proud to be also a part of the Aloe Vera System from Forever Living. We've just reach 2.5 Billion dollars whole-sale and thas 20% more than last year, thats amazing.
My new website http://www.aloevera-wissen.de shows all new products available in Germany, included the new avocado soap and the aroma SPA therapy.
I am sure that FLP will become the No1 brand in Aloe Vera products
Best regards nad have a nice business
Guenni, FLP Soaring Manager Germany
Thanks for all the information. I am working by my self with Aloe Vera
I began using aloe vera for sunburns about 20 years ago. Soon after I also began to use it as an after shower moisturizer, for my face in particular. Skin tends to feel rather tight and dry following a shower. This became part of my routine and I haven't looked back.
For 20+ years now following every shower … occasionally at other times during the day I have been using aloe. I have always liked the fact that it was natural, non-greasy and essentially disappeared about five minutes after using with no residue leaving your skin properly moisturized. Evidence suggests that aloe provides significant benefits far exceeding simple sunburn treatments. This seems to be backed up by the fact that island residents where aloe is prevalent and used regularly tend to have skin looking years younger than the user's true age.
My preference is towards the more natural. Aloe from the plant is a clear gel – not green as many products show it. I suppose some manufacturers have made it green because that color is either expected or more pleasing in some way but if you are looking for natural you want it clear and as close to 100% aloe vera as is possible. Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera fills the bill on all fronts. 100% aloe vera, no added color, no added alcohol etc. It has become our house favorite.
Side note: at the time I began using it I was not seeking a youth potion, just a way of getting rid of that tight dry feeling following a shower. I don't know if credit belongs with the aloe, heridity, luck or some combination but my skin appears quite a bit younger than my age should dictate. Take that for what it is.