I have said a number of times that Quixtar’s compensation plan is outdated and not lucrative, of course many Quixtar IBO’s simply write me off because I am involved with a competitor.
So I took a minute to run some actual numbers on two compensation plans.
First Quixtar, then the company I am involved with. I won’t mention the name, but you can find it if you look.
Let’s look at the possibility of you sponsoring 3 people who sponsor 3 people for a total of 12 people, each selling and/or using $100 in volume.
In Quixtar, you would have about 400 PV ($100 = 33 in volume x 12) in your business and that would pay you in the neighborhood of $30-35.
In the company I am now with you would have 876 ($100 = 87.6 in volume x 12) in group volume and that would pay you in the neigborhood of $90-100.
You build a team that does $1200 in volume in Quixtar and they pay you $30. You build a team that does $1200 in volume in the company I am with and they pay you close to $100.
$3 = Approx 1 PV on average, are you disputing this?
I believe that you also forgot to deduct downline %.
Hmmm, well I just went on to Quixtar and found the BV on Nutrilite. Double X for example is BV70.65, IBO price 53.90.
Which means for 12 people doing $100 each worth of Nutrilite, you'd get paid 6%*1572=$94.32
Same exercise with Artistry products gave $95.69
cf your claim $30-$35.
With 400 PV you are at 6%.
All your legs are at 3%.
Not bad! but 3 legs doing 100 PV, each having 3 legs just spending……
Not very likely. A very hypothetical situation. What happen usually is one strong leg and one or two smaller legs.
$3=1PV includes all products, true average is I think 2.8. The figures I gave are actual BV on Artistry and Nutrilite, which is more than two thirds of Quixtar volume and equivalent from a business perspective to what OLS sells.
Yes, a very hypothetical situation – I missed the 3 sponsor 3 aspect, apologies, but you're still way out. Structure arguments are going to vary from network to network depending on the MLM system. Frankly I've been unable to understand the OLS compensation plan. The A/Q one is very simple, the same as any traditional business.
Ty, could you explain the OLS plan? How much would somebody doing $100 personal volume earn back?
How much would a person doing $400 group volume get back total, before downline payouts?
And finally, if OLS is so good, why do you feel the need to keep attacking Quixtar? Isn't it a generally maxim of sales not to criticise the competition?
I do not think that I need to explain this site again. Read the archives.
The world of Network Marketing has a poor reputation largely due to Amway and Quixtar and if more people understand that Amway/Quixtar is not the norm in the industry, the industry will be better off.
In the company I am with, you do not get paid for "doing" (buying) personal volume. We do get paid for product sales. 15-30% depending how the customers purchase the products.
The bottom line is that MANY companies pay out more money than Amway/Quixtar. I have stated a number of times that the AmQuix compensation plan is outdated and not lucrative. I am simply offering more proof.
Even the highest Amway/Quixtar PV items do not stack up with other companies.
The ULS comp. plan is a hybrid.
It pays Unilevel compensation down 4 levels, depending on volume (3-15%). The Unilevel % vary depending on volume, a bit like a stairstep.
It pays Generational pay down 6 Generations 1-14% (I believe Amway/Quixtar pays 2 generations). Higher levels get paid very deep similar to a binary plan. As a Platinum, (Quix Emerald Volume) I make 3-12% on 3 Platinums in depth.
You could get paid on 6 Diamonds in depth.
It pays daily pay on volume generated when someone makes an initial product purchase ($100 – $330).
It pays retail pay on products sold to customers (15-30%).
Retail Volume and Personal Volume are not lumped together. Retail volume is calculated seperately in the same way you would calculate the volume when you sponsored someone plus the retail mark up. Getting paid for your personal use volume is a red flag in my opinion.
There is a 2% pool for the highest ranking associates, giving leaders incentive to help crossline as well as downline.
The plan pays as deep as some binarys but much higher percentages and the plan pays the newest person as well as any plan in the industry.
Lastly the plan is balanced, unlike Quixtar's delayed gratification nonsense. You can make good money in the front, middle and backend of the plan.
You aren't trying to understand it.
As you know, everything depends on structure.
I have more than $400/month in customer volume so I would make over $100 on that volume, which is included in my group volume.
$400 (300 Points) in ULS straight group volume would pay $45-50.
Quixtar, $400 = 142PV pays less than $10
Amway/quixtar are the biggest and largest, so any reputation either way will largely be from them. I'd note that were' I'm working now, Amway is relatively new to the marketplace, and MLM here has a WORSE reputation than where I was working in Australia. An enormous number of people immediately dismiss it as "a pyramid game". So despite any bad reputation issues (and I lay that at the door of some groups of IBOs rather than A/Q per se), A/Q also has a damn good influence – people generally know it's legit in the US, even if they don't want to do it.
Personal volume is not just personal use purchases Ty – it's the volume you personally generate.
I'd still like you to explain the compensation plan Ty, I honestly don't understand it at all.
I think you mean hybrid? 🙂
Still didn't understand it 🙁
Could you explain by answering the questions I asked?
If I have $400/mth in coreline customer volume I'd be earning at least $131 Ty, not $10.
Have you tried farming? The plants would love what you're spreading.
You both should try farming. $142 from $400?
Its not 400 PV.
$400 in customer volume => retail price?
Duh! if you retail, you gonna get 30% markup.
But we are talking retail or IBO price here? You can't sell retail price to IBO and IBO get bonus check too.
Now, remove retail price out. No customer, just IBOs. Who get bonuc check as well if qualified.
IBOFightback, you asked about $400 in group volume, not retail sales.
I get this funny feeling that there are two of you and one is either not nearly as smart or he/she tries to debate without reading the entire thread.
The $10 figure is what you would get paid in Quixtar with group volume of $400.
$10 in Quixtar, $45-50 in Univera.
Quixtar pay out IS REALLY BAD.
Well Imran, that's the thing. Without understanding the OLS plan, it appears Ty is comparing full price retail sales with OLS to discount price IBO sales with Quixtar. This is something I've seen often when distributors with other companies try to claim Quixtar pay out is really bad.
$400 buys you about 140PV (average) at wholesale, does it not?
140PV pays you about $10, does it not?
Group retail price volume or group wholesale price volume?
I would like to buy XX at wholesale. I do not want to join, but do want to buy 1-2 31-day packs every month, about 140 BV and $60 each with S&H. Any Quixtar distributor want free BV/PV? Drop me a line, jamesandveybe AT yahoo DOT com.
1) Based upon the 1pv = 2.8bv quoted above…
2) And based upon the figures quoted above of: "… I just went on to Quixtar and found the BV on Nutrilite. Double X for example is BV70.65, IBO price 53.90."…
Then all 12 downline would personally be doing 47pv, 131bv, at $100.00 IBO cost. I rounded to the nearest number on the pv/bv to make the math easier. AND again to clarify, this is also based on a mathematical guess of the pv using the ratio of 1pv/2.8bv
STEP 1: This makes a total of 564pv(47pv x 12) not including you. Let's say you sell 50pv worth of stuff in order to be qualified to get a bonus per Quixtar rules… now the total group pv is at 614 (9% bracket) and bv is 1712.
$1712.00 x 9% = $154.08
STEP 2: You have 3 legs beneath you each also with 3 legs… so each leg is 47pv and 131bv ALL TIMES 3. This means your three legs each have 141pv, 393bv apiece. So each leg is at the 3% level. This means that the bonus check for each leg is $11.79(393 x 3%)
STEP 3: Next take $11.79 x 3 and you get $35.37 that must be paid out of your bonus check.
STEP 4: So $154.08 minus $35.37 equals $118.71 PLUS ANY RETAIL PROFIT!!!
Another point to remember is that unless each leg sells an extra 3pv worth of stuff then I believe (correct me if I am wrong)that the bonus bypasses them. This is because of the 10 customer or 50pv rule. And in the event that there is no one else downline from you or them eligible for a bonus then it is retained by the lowest level who can… which in this case would be you. So actually in this theoretical example you retain the entire $154.08 PLUS ANY RETAIL PROFIT!!!
I am in Executive level B2B sales during the day and I wholeheartedly love and agree this line from above: "And finally, if OLS is so good, why do you feel the need to keep attacking Quixtar? Isn't it a generally maxim of sales not to criticise the competition?"
Does this finally answer this debate?
You use the best available PV/BV/Dollar product in your product line (Double X) out of thousands of products and expect me to not mention that?
Then you assume that Joe has customers and his 11 downline are all without customers.
(When none of them likely have customers)
Re: Critism
Ever heard of the Pepsi Challenge?
Comcast vs. DSL?
I just did a search for Comcast vs. DSL and the top ad said:
Comcast: Faster Than DSL
$19.99/mo Deal. Faster than DSL. No Contract. $100 Back & Free Modem!
So much for your theory. Of course Quixtar leaders are going to wimper about the comparisons. They lose all of the time.
Ty, relax. By the way it is 12 downline. Also the only thing I was doing was further explain/clarify THE MATH from the already existing thread with the already existing examples. I didn't choose Double X as an example… someone else did!
Further I did NOT assume they had no customers. Group volume means ALL VOLUME IN THE GROUP. If their total PV is 47 then it doesn't matter because even if it was all retail then it still isn't 50PV. I seriously doubt that people were breaking down packages of Double X into little nickel bags so that they could divide 47PV amongst 10 customers to qualify for a bonus anyway. Again, the above thread said GROUP volume… No one said Group volume but we're not counting customers?!
I know I am responding a little gruff… but c'mon you tried to rip my head off for simple math.
Besides Comcast is better… duh.
"Besides Comcast is better… duh."
I rest my case.
By the way, I am not ripping your head off. We are having a friendly dialogue and since you lost the whole psycho stocker persona, I think it is going well. You are making some interesting points.
Here is the deal. I can get you turning a profit, including your intitial investment and your monthly products in your first month by helping you find 3 people.
Simple 3 step pattern.
Why should I keep it a secret?
huh? I have no clue what point you are trying to make ?
I dismantle your comeback and you throw wierd analogies on internet speed and soda!?
The point is Comcast compares themselves to DSL in their marketing and sales strategy and you stated emphatically that Comcast is better.
I agree.
In the same manner, there are companies better than Quixtar. They pay you more, they have a better reputation and they have products that are equal in quality but cost less.
Those are facts.
Not sure if I want to do an MLM again at this point… and if I did why would I not want to build Quixtar systemless? I almost want to say "F— it. I did it without the system anyway." to my former upline.
In the same EXACT manner that I did above, can you explain to the same level of mathematical detail using you best product bv/pv/dollar ratio?
I went into an extreme amount of detail. I expect a better retort than the responses you gave to the less thorough gentlemen above.
C'mon, man. Hurry up. I need to get back to the family.
IBOFightback, I see you like the math. I wonder if Ty is right now computing his thorough example on his best product? No offense Ty, i just think it would be intersting to see the comparison (as long as it is just as thorough)
1. Even with your Reader's Digest awards and Consumer Labs survey's it is still the company with the worst reputation in the industry.
2. Product quality…ever looked at Consumer Reports? Nutrition? You aren't researching very hard if you think that Quixtar has the market cornered on quality.
3. Use the average, not the best, not the worst, just use the average. I know for a fact that people come away from Quixtar meetings thinking that they are going to get paid the same for Panasonic and Disney as they do for Amway products. That is part of the scam.
"Not sure if I want to do an MLM again at this point… and if I did why would I not want to build Quixtar systemless?"
If you are a business person as you suggest, it is easy to figure out why…
1. No one has ever build Quixtar systemless.
2. Quixtar pays you less.
3. Quixtar products cost more.
4. You have to do the tango dance around the connection with Amway and it's reputation.
5. You run the risk of having your upline swoop in and systemize your people.
Why include partner stores? They are not a quixtar product. And besides the retail profit on many of the "worst" products are pretty good which make up for the worse pv/bv… at least from what I remember. it has been a while.
And if you must know… I am an Account executive for Large Business Sales for Cox Business Services. PRIs, T-1s, Business Cable Internet, Centrex, E-Wans, LD, etc…
Matter of fact, first deal today was 19 message rate centrex lines, 15m/2m assymetrical hybrid-fiber coax internet connection, cable radio and an LD plan to a high-end furniture store in my city on a 5 year contract for $800/mo not including taxes and fees. Try $952.00 commission on that deal when it is installed, NOT including the $ I make on part of the installation charges. That's only 25% of my quota which I hit consistently. Add that to my healthy salary… the fact that I have no degree… I think my business credentials speak for themselves.
The problem with MLM in general is that it is open to the mass public, the majority of which don't have a ckue to business. This again applies to MLM in general. Why is your MLM so special?
I have yet to see your detailed math on your best product.
IBOfightback… please comment. It is nice to hear a third-party on the comments that I am making.
to be continued…
want to see a real scam? Scentura Creations!
Talk about an MLM that denies even being an MLM!
Aren't you all about "changing the way the world buys perfume?
ty said –
They pay you more, they have a better reputation and they have products that are equal in quality but cost less.
Really? Can you point to me other companies that have a reputation that has lead to Reader's Digest Trusted Brands Awards in multiple countries, topped Consumer Labs consumer satisfaction surveys, won awards for their documentaries, and have products products of equal quality that cost less?
Actually, even just some products of equal quality would be interesting, since in my years of researching the nutrition field I've been unable to find any.
ty said –
You use the best available PV/BV/Dollar product in your product line (Double X) out of thousands of products and expect me to not mention that?
You mean we used the PV of the product ranges (artistry and nutrilite) that account for well over two thirds of the volume, and you think that's somehow the wrong thing to do?
Seriously, research it further. A/Q leaders are angels compared to these Scentura guys. There goes your "worst reputation" bit.
Pepsi Challenge: where's your math?
Hello? Math?
You are getting stalkerish again.
I gave you my math.
It's pretty simple. 1 point in Quixtar costs approx. $2.95. 1 point in Univera costs $1.35.
It costs more than twice as much to do the same volume.
I might do an in depth look at points per dollar in MLM companies in the future.
For now…move along.
It's not stalkerish. Simply someone entitled to a response without having to ask 5 million times. I am moving on… with the knowledge that you have not directly addressed the question.
It's not stalkerish. Simply someone entitled to a response without having to ask 5 million times. I am moving on… with the knowledge that you have not directly addressed the question.
1 pt doesn't equal $2.95………….All your math is off the wall because I know what my points are, what I spend & what I make every month…….you aren't even close!
Thank you Jay.
I'm not even close?
You are kidding right?
Last I checked, XS Energy Drink is $2.70 to 1 PV. (At Wholesale)
So in order to do 100 points in Quixtar, you are saying that it doesn't take $290 to $300?
In depth numbers using best product ratios from each company…
3 who sponsor 3 and each do $100
Quixtar with best Nutrilite Product:
$100 worth of Double X = 131 BV
12 x 131 BV = 1572
PV = 540 (6% Bracket)
1572 x 6% = $94.30
1572 / 3 legs = 524
524 x 3% = $15.72
$15.72 x 3 = $47.16 (pay out to 3 legs)
$94.30 – 47.16 = $47.14 Profit
Univera with Ageless Xtra 2-1 Combo
$100 = 76 PV
76 x 3 = 228 GV (Group Volume – Level 1)
Group Volume on Level 1 is paid at 15%
228 x 15% = $34.20
76 x 9 = 684 GV (Group Volume on Level 2)
684 x 10% = $68.40
$34.20 + $68.40 = $102.60 Profit
I was not being dishonest, I simply could not find the PV on Double X anywhere.
I adjusted the numbers based on your input. I don't often hear business people say that they like compensation that pays them half of what other companies pay. Interesting.
Of course you know that the income in Univera is based on volume as well as level with the level based volume giving more profit to the newest person, (an obvious flaw in the A/Q model).
Ty, you'd have a lot more credibility if you used real numbers instead of making stuff up.
PV/BV on $100 of Double X @ IBO price is 45/131
So – we know you're not being honest with the Quixtar figures. It can't help but make your Univera figures questionable.
Me, I like the A/Q compensation plan – it's based purely on volume discounting like any other "normal" product business. Basing compensation on "level" rather than on an individuals actual volume seems a little, well, questionable.