So you’ve always wanted to start a blog but you feel like you are a terrible writer. Well this is the perfect blog post for you because I’m going to show you exactly how I wrote this blog post without writing a single word.

This blog post was actually created using the voice recognition tool inside of Google Docs.

Google calls it “voice typing” and it’s really easy to do.

The first step is to open a Google Document. If you’ve never use Google Docs before it’s a lot like Microsoft Word but completely online and completely free. All you need to do is make sure you have a Google account.

Once you’ve opened up a new Google Document, navigate across the top menu to the tools button, click “tools” and then scroll down to “voice typing”.

After you click on voice typing a little microphone will appear in the left hand margin.

Simply click on the microphone and begin talking. Google Docs will take it from there and transcribe your verbal words into words on the page.

As a Network Marketer you could also use this tool to quickly and easily transcribe your contacting and prospecting scripts. You could also turn on voice typing while you are doing a training webinar or conference call and have it transcribed for your team.

I’ll be highlighting a lot more cool applications and tools for Network Marketers In a regular feature here at MLM blog.

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