If it wasn’t sold out, I would pay $26 for Dirt.

Why would I pay $26 for some paste that makes your hair look like you didn’t wash it?


Yet, I haven’t seen a 30 second Dirt commercial on TV, I haven’t heard a Dirt commercial on radio, I haven’t seen a Dirt print ad in any magazine and my friends, relatives and neighbors haven’t approached me about the potential riches I could make with the "Dirt Opportunity".

I actually heard about Dirt while watching Bravo’s Blow Out, the reality show that was originally about Jonathan Anton’s small hair salon business is Los Angeles. I don’t know the details of his contract but I imagine that Jonathan gets paid for his reality show, and while entertaining, it is also one big commercial for his business. Jonathan’s product is sold out everywhere, has a waiting list on QVC and is currently selling for over $40 on eBay.

I usually fast forward through commercials with my TIVO but in Anton’s case, the show is the commercial. The show is engaging enough to watch and intriguing enough for me to look into spending $26 or more on hair gunk. A new way to market is born.