Today I want to talk about something that makes my stomach turn.

I literally kissed away hundreds of thousands of dollars by not focusing on building my list during my early years of marketing online.

MLM-Traffic-FormulaI didn’t start building my list until I got a slap upside the head from Mike Dillard, Tim Erway and Tom Bell in the frst edition of MLM Traffic Formula.

At the time, I was getting huge traffic on my blog, I had personally enrolled over 100 people in my Network Marketing business in less than 12 months and I was raking in commissions as a top 5 affiliate on MIke Dillard’s Magnetic Sponsoring and Ann Sieg’s Renegade Networker.

Basically I thought I was the shizzle.

It was all great, but I wasn’t building my own personal list….a BIG mistake.

10 years later, it is even more important to build your own list. So my question for you is, how’s that listbuilding going for you?

If you haven’t got the ball rolling yet, here is what you need to do starting right now:

1. Develop A Traffic Source.  Personally, I would start with a blog. We can go into a lot more detail about blogging, but the bottom line is that you need your own piece of real estate online.  To get started now, you can grab my Internet Marketing WordPress Blog Theme for a song and a dance (really cheap).

2. Capture Leads.  The Internet Marketing Blog Theme has built in lead capture components including side bar opt ins and pop ups.

3. Communicate With Your Leads. To communicate with your leads, you need an autoresponder system.  I have used iContact, Constant Contact, Aweber and a half dozen other systems.  But now I am happy to say that I use GlobalNPN’s Mail Marketer Pro.

There are other great tools within NPN, but for $17/month you can get started with the Autopresponder and send unlimited emails to an unlimited size list.  When I switched my autoresponder to GlobalNPN, I saved over $200/month due to the size of my list.


There you have the basics of listbuilding, with inexpensive tools to help you get started.  My philosophy with my email list has remained the same for the last 10 years.  I send regular emails until one of three things happen….

A. You lose your mind and opt out from receiving my email messages even though they are ripe with strategies and tips that will make you a lot of money.

B.  You decide to join me in my primary business.

C. You decide to buy a valuable affiliate or information product.

In the case of B and C, I still email those folks because you can learn a lot from the way I send emails.

Alright, that’s enough f-r-e-e info for you today.

Time for you to buy: = )

Internet Marketing Blog Theme:

GlobalNPN Autoresponder:

Talk soon –

Ty Tribble