By Dan Mitchell, MLM Blog Correspondent

There's an interesting list of the MLM 500 Top Earners available at Business For Home.

The estimated earnings are based on internet research, earnings claims from conventions, downline, upline, crossline information, etc. The earnings are per month.

Some of the top earners are familiar names like Brig Hart, Mike Dillard, Jay Kubassek, Dexter Yager, Margi Allprandi, Art Manville, Orin Woodward, Randy Gage, etc. The list goes on and on…and there's seems to be a huge number of Monavie and Amway representatives on the list.

I don't know how accurate this list is but it's an interesting read. One of the things the FTC has addressed for many years is deceptive income claims that are used to recruit new MLM Prospects. Not all income claims of course are deceptive.

Does anyone have an issue with these income claims? Let us know by leaving a comment…or email me at dan @