There is an interesting story over on the site that shows a video (proof?) of former MonaVie Black Diamond, Joe Licciardi’s business being moved under someone else once he left the company.

The story itself is interesting, but in today’s world of instant news via blogging and social media, The Preseident of MonaVie has already responded along with another Black Diamond and Joe Licciardi himself.

Here’s a few snips:

Original BusinessForHome Article:

The entire USA downline of former Black Diamond Joe Licciardi who left the company last month, is moved down the Genealogy and inserted into – Alexander Herr- Purple Diamond’s organization in Germany.

In MLM moving downlines is controversial…. Free money for the new upline….. and considered not ethical.

MonaVie President, Randy Schroeder responds:

Recently a Mona Vie distributor (Joe Licciardi), who had gained the Black Diamond rank some years ago, but whose business had been in steady decline to the point of qualification well below his stated rank, made what I believe was a huge error in joining another company, cross recruiting and disparaging Mona Vie to the point of termination for violation of policies and procedures.

We then took the appropriate action of re-assigning sponsorships and repositioning what had become a very small lesser leg to create leadership to those who would suffer from the departure of their up-line. We took the appropriate measures, all within the stated policies and procedures of Mona Vie. This did not result in rank advancement for anyone.

Followed by this cryptic and cult-like response from MonaVie Royal Black Diamond, Todd Hartog (I especially enjoy the old “bathroom walls” statement…straight out of the Amway book of keeping the minions under tight mind control):

Facts are clear here. Its easy for someone to run with false truths. Monavie is a integrity based company that follows a strict Policy and moral code. The world wide web is like the bathroom walls of society where you can write just about anything. There is Law that prohibits the use of names and Company names on website and video content. Remember your computer and Modems give off IP unique address and its better then a fingerprint.

Then Joe Licciardi responds:

Ok, after seeing the many comments posted on the various articles, I never wanted to take the time or expend the energy to reply, except for this one by Randy S.

It is interesting that just a few months ago he was telling many that he considered Patrice and I to be one of his closest friends. Now, that we have taken another direction in life, he is saying that” Some people achieve ranks that where larger than themselves”. Really? How do you determine that? And to say that our business had declined to the point that we fell below our achieved rank? Well, why don’t we not just point the finger towards one person but to many, especially those who were helped by the moving of this leg. How was it determined where to move it this leg anyway? Were there not other active Blacks and others working the business who equally qualified? But the most dis-hearting comment is the accusation of us “Cross-recruiting and Disparaging the company”. We are still waiting for this documented proof. Of which there is none. In the end, it is what it is and we move on.

Someone once told me just a few weeks back that if I made such a move, I would find out very quickly who truly were my friends. And that he was so right, and I thank those of you who have openly poured out your support.