The Wildcat Online:
Forget about hosting a Tupperware or Purse Party; if you want to get a
group of women over to your house for a good time, throw a Passion
Party.Passion Parties, at-home parties where a consultant brings various
sensual products to display and sell, have become the most popular kind
of house party recently, with more than 10,000 held each month across
the U.S., according to Pat Davis, president and CEO of Passion Parties,
Inc.The trend is also catching on with UA students.
At a Passion Party, women get the chance to learn about different ways
to improve their sex lives, either alone or with their partner.
I agree that Passion Parties are catching on but I would say that they are catching on all over the US and Canada! Business is booming in the romance industry. Passion Parties has even hit reality tv as we were recently featured on the Denise Richards show. So even the celebrities are hosting Passion Parties! If anyone here is intersted in hosting your own party, you can earn FREE products while having a blast with your friends. check out my website at http://www.yourpassiondiva.com for more details and someone will contact you right away.