I just read the following over at the Inside Quixtar Blog (courtesy of Quixtar Inside Out):
You’ll begin to see several things happening in the coming months.
First, the launch of a learning management system that offers free
online training. It will be small at first but eventually grow to quite
a library of training on products, selling, business management, etc.
You’ll also see that there are a lot of free downloads already
available and you’ll see more and more in the future.
So, Quixtar will begin to offer free online training for it’s IBOs. Great. Then what?
I am more convinced today than ever before that the tools systems are not the main problem with Quixtar, but that the tools systems are indirectly responsible for the main problems with the company. Confused? I’ll explain.
Quixtar IBO Leaders have a significant influence over Quixtar IBOs. A good example is the old saying, "Would you drive a Chevy if you owned a Ford dealership?". This saying was used to help make it a sin for Quixtar IBOs to purchase products outside of the Quixtar network, even when Quixtar products were ridiculasly priced.
Quixtar IBOs bought the products, not because they were great products, but because they wanted the lifestyle that the Quixtar IBO leaders led them to believe would be possible as long as they used all of the products. If you don’t believe me, think about the number of people that stop buying products altogether as soon as they unplug (stop buying tools and attending meeting) from the training system.
Along the way, the IBO leaders sold tools and training to the Quixtar IBOs for profit. The IBO leaders needed the company because Quixtar business was the reason people supposedly needed the training. At the same time, because of the lock that the IBO leaders had on the IBOs, the company was able to make billions of dollars in profits, raise prices to crazy heights and offer a sub par compensation plan.
Now Quixtar is apparently going to offer some sort of online training system. That’s neat, but an online training system is not going to bring Quixtar’s prices back to reality nor will it bring Quixtar’s compensation up to par with the top 30 companies in the industry.
The core problem with Quixtar is the price of the products and the compensation plan.
The Quixtar leaders are probably fuming because they feel like they built Quixtar to the billion dollar company it is today and now that billion dollar company is dipping into a large piece of their income pie…the tool and training money.
Not only that, but the Quixtar people actually think that the prices are reasonable- because the IBO's, due to the reasons you mentioned, keep buying the products at those prices.
It's a cycle that reinforces itself.
…But free training system? It will probably be ignored by those who are plugged into a system.