Scent-Sations, Inc. has given “Hope” in a major way to those battling breast cancer. Based on sales for a single month (October 2009), Scent-Sations sold over 2000 “Hope” candles through it’s distributor network and raised $15,190.00 for the NEPA chapter of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® foundation during Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Scent-Sations created “Hope” as a special Limited Edition 16oz pink jar candle perfumed with high-end designer fragrances, and made it available to thousands of their independent distributors. This clean-burning natural wax candle can be purchased from distributors and online via their secure web store.

The company is donating all profits from each jar sold to the NEPA chapter of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® to breast cancer, a cancer that will strike almost 200,000 women in the United States this year, and thousands of men. Many individual distributors are also donating a portion or all of their profits from the sales of “Hope” to their local chapters around the United States.

“This effort will continue for as long as the need is there” says company CEO Bob Scocozzo. “We’re not just going to do this for October, but plan on making a donation every month to this worthy cause.” Scocozzo credits his wife Cathy with her devotion to this cause. “It was her determination and commitment that made this ‘Hope’ candle a reality, and we owe a big thanks to her for helping make it happen.”
