For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Ty Tribble, founder of and author of ‘Double Your Income with Network Marketing‘.
About 3 years ago, I pretty much retired from Network Marketing/MLM.
In that time I focused on writing a new book, Affiliate and Internet Marketing and creating products and apps for WordPress Bloggers.
So there is your update on me, now to the point…
Earlier today, I was looking through Facebook and I saw a sponsored post that said something like:
“Top Recruiters are Leaving MLM”
And it’s funny because I just got back in today.
Yep, you heard it here first (or second if you are on my email list). I’m getting back into Network Marketing.
I joined a company today. No special deal or position.
Maybe it’s the rebel in me or maybe it’s the fact that I experienced what it’s like to make a lot of money in MLM vs. making a lot of money in affiliate marketing and their is absolutely no comparison. The true freedom of an MLM built right is amazing.
If you’d like to connect with me and see what I am doing, I set up a page here.
If you fill out the info on the page you can expect a personal call from me within the next 48 hours. I want to hear about your dreams and goals and if we connect, I’ll invite you to a private conference call where you will be able to hear the details about the company and our team.
Our team is using a unique online/offline strategy to build a long term, life changing income.
Ready to chat with me?
Contact: Ty Tribble