By starting a Vemma home-based business, Tyler and Mimi Ford discovered freedom, success and fulfillment.

Tyler and Mimi Ford have escaped the day-to-day rat race of having to go to a job. We are working on our own terms, part-time. We created a six-figure residual income through staying the course and now we assist others in doing the same.

Everyone knows that true success and personal fulfillment can only come through hard work and, more than likely, personal sacrifice. In hopes of reaching your financial and spiritual goals, many people find themselves sacrificing too much valuable time NOW in order to hopefully be able to afford to achieve those goals LATER.

Shouldn’t there be a quicker pay off for working so hard? We think so! After starting a home-based business, we were able to escape the rat race… and now we are helping others make the same escape.

It’s a fact; you can create the lifestyle and freedom you deserve with the Vemma Verve opportunity. This business has changed our lives by giving us weekly growing residual income. We have a proven step-by-step system that anyone can duplicate. All it takes is desire and belief!

For more information about Vemma visit Tyler and Mimi Ford’s blog