Andrew McLennan:

Every day, thousands of young adults are opening their eyes to the
potential of owning their own business. One of the best things about
how our industry is changing is how Network Marketing is making full
use of today’s technology, along with the generation of people that are
using it.

It’s encouraging to see the wide age range of people
who are looking into Network Marketing. When I was first introduced to
the industry, I was all of 21 years old and excited to figure out what
the heck this MLM thing was all about. Since then, I’ve noticed that a
good chunk of people that are contacting me with questions about the
industry are between the ages of 18-25. In my particular situation, I
can relate well with this age group.

Some people don’t give much
seriousness to prospects who are under the age of 20. If there’s ever
any doubt that the younger generation of Network Marketers may have
less of a chance at success than any other person, you can put it to
rest. Coming from that age group, I personally know how important it is
to want to succeed alongside everybody else around you – no matter what
age you are.

So welcome any prospect, no matter if they’re 18 or
58, with open arms and give them the same attention you would anybody
else. Network Marketing can be done by such a wide variety of people,
that it would be a shame not to take advantage of that aspect.