I subscribe to RSS news feeds for several hundred MLM company names and topics. So when news for a particular company comes across the wire, I usually see it pretty quickly.

I also get to see news that comes from keywords associated with the company whether the company likes it or not.

I get the feeling that sometimes companies do not think things through when they are picking out a name, for example:

"4Life" – If someone talks about 4 Life (a good company from what I understand) over the phone with a potential business partner, the potential partner might think that they are talking about "For Life" and if you search Google News for "For Life", you get a lot articles about people being put in prison "for life" sentences.

(For real information about 4Life, check out the MLM Blog Network site on the company, here.)

"Predator Marketing System" – Two problems with Predator. First the initials, P.M.S. Hellllllooooo?

"What do you so for a living?"

"I specialize in PMS."

Not good. Then you have the word Predator, which is in many cases associated with sexual predator. Not good again.

Both of these companies do millions of dollars in volume, yet, they probably did not have anyone that is familiar with online public relations do a quick online compatibility report.

If you are going to spend several hundred thousand dollars to launch a Network Marketing company, spend a few hundred bucks to have your online reputation and keywords looked at.

Disclosure: I offer online public relations campaigns and consulting (specializing in Network Marketing) through Tribble.org.