I am the first to tell you that there is no magic bullet to marketing your business on the Internet, but Twitter can make a big impact when used effectively. I outline how to effectively use Twitter to market any niche in my 7 MLM Web Secrets Files that you can download free. The information is written for Network Marketers, but easily applies to anything you want to market online.
Here are 6 quick tips and rules to help you get started on Twitter:
- Use your name as your Twitter account name.
- Upload a picture of you, smiling. (Vital!)
- Create yourself a free Twitter background. Twitbacks is a good option. When you get to the point that you need a custom background, I suggest: CustomTwit.com
- Before you follow anyone, post a minimum of 5 tweets. Make them interesting, using other people’s socially proven content. If you don’t have a WordPress Marketing Hub set up yet, simply link directly to the article.
- Follow no more than 50 people a day until you have 500 people following you, then follow no more than 10% of the the people that follow you. For example, if you have 1,000 followers, you should not follow more than 100 people day.
- Start by following people who follow leaders within your niche. For example, you can be sure that my followers are mostly Network Marketers interested in marketing their business on the Internet. If I were you, I would start by following some of my followers. Be sure to follow me first.
Download Ty Tribble’s 7 Secret Internet Marketing Files and follow me on Twitter here.
It took me a while to really appreciate and understand the true power of Twitter. You give great advice about how to use twitter properly, far to many people are using to focus links and products on to people which is really just spam. This is not the best way to go about it.
I have a rule of only sending out an offer or affiliate links 10% of the time, so for example out of every 10 tweets i do 1 will be an offer to a product.
Great post!
Great blog so absolutely well designed with the perfect layout.
I have been looking for a while now for information on how best to use twitter and you have helped tremendously.
Mark McCulloch
The power of Twitter and Social Media is almost unbelievable until you actually see it working for you.
My wife and I have a total of 5 blogs and close to 4,000 followers on Twitter between them… 1 Tweet can instantly turn into $50-$100 cash depending on what and how we are promoting…
Great tips…
Great information, especially for a “beginner” at this way of thinking. I met you at the Renegade weekend and the information you shared there was amazing! Thank you –
i really enjoy reading your blog and i’ve been watching from a distance and finally felt i should let you know. keep posting. Do you have a RSS feed? I just found bloglines and want to add it in there.
feed://feeds.feedburner.com/typepad/mlmblog = )