Writing blog posts for your MLM business can be a difficult task. It is important to remember that people visit your site for the purpose of getting information on how they can start their own business and turn it into a lucrative career.

You need to make sure you are able to provide them with the most relevant and useful content possible.

Write a title that is catchy and interesting

To be effective, a blog title must be a combination of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and HEO (Human Emotion Optimization). I like to write for humans and then go back and consider what search engines think after.

Take the title of this blog post:

“How To Write A WordPress MLM Blog Post” – if I was just writing for you (my amazing reader), I would probably just say “How To Write A Blog Post”. But I know that my audience comes from search engines and social media sites (among other places) and I need to make sure the title speaks to all audiences as clearly and in-depth as possible without stuffing the title with keywords.

Create a paragraph that introduces the blog post’s topic to readers

You have about 8 seconds to hook your reader. If your blog title is the bait, your blog introduction is the hook to get readers to continue on and read your article.

The best way to get good at writing blog post introductions is to write blog post introductions. I know it sounds cliche’ but it’s true.

Writers write.

The second thing good writers do is read. I never struggle with blog ideas when I am reading 5-10 blog posts a day from thought leaders in and around my niche. Look at the introduction paragraphs from these leaders and emulate them to fit your topic.

Provide 3-5 points of information in each paragraph, with one main point per paragraph

There are many ways to write an MLM blog post. Some writers are good at sitting down and just letting it flow. Other bloggers need more structure.

It’s never a bad idea to begin with an outline. Once you have a basic outline you can fill in secondary points below your main paragraphs to complete the main parts of your blog post.

Include quotes from experts or other sources for additional credibility and interest

Third party validation for the content in your blog post is a great way to transfer expert credibility to you as a new blogger.

Quoting other people’s words, whether from books or blog posts, can be a great way to improve the content on your blog. It’s also a great way to serve your readers (which we’ll dig into in a moment) and build relationships with those you’re quoting.

Darren Rowse, ProBlogger

See what I did there?

End with a conclusion sentence summarizing what you have written

With the world becoming more connected, it is increasingly important to market your business in a way that makes you stand out from the competition. Creating an MLM Blog post that makes an impact on the reader is a great (and longerm) way to stand out.

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