You don’t need to be a famous blogger or influencer with millions of followers. All you have to do is share your blog posts more effectively outside of Google search (social media, newsletters, email and influencer outreach) to watch your traffic grow.

Here are a few ideas the help you get started building your MLM Blog traffic outside of Google search:

Use social media to promote your blog posts

Social media is an essential part of a comprehensive marketing strategy. When used correctly, it can help you reach your target audience and gain more exposure for your blog posts.

It seems like everyone is trying to use social media for their business, but how do you actually get results?

There are a lot of different strategies out there that promise success. But which one will really work for you?

Here’s the thing – every company and industry is different. What works for your competitor might not be right for you and vice versa. That’s why it’s important to test all of these strategies in order to figure out what works best with your unique audience.

Connect with influencers in your niche and ask them for a guest post or interview

Blogging is a great way to share your thoughts with the world and talk about topics that are of interest to you. If you dig deep enough, find a product or service that you can promote to your readers and tell them why it’s so fantastic, blogging could become an excellent way to get the word out about your business.

But for many new bloggers, this is easier said than done! Growing blog traffic requires some work in connecting with the right influencers in your niche and asking them for guest posts or interviews, which gets more complicated if they are not local writers.

Share valuable content on other blogs, forums, and groups

How do you find the time to share valuable content with other blogs, social networks, forums and groups?

Blogs have multiple features for promoting your posts. Allow interaction with readers on their site by using related posts or an RSS feed for specific articles in your niche. . After posting commentary on another blog or forum then add a link back to your original article prominently at the end of the comment. It is vital that your article be relevant to the topic and helpful to the readers. Other bloggers don’t take too kindly to the blatant promotion of your blog on theirs.

Create an email list of subscribers who want to be notified when you publish new blog posts

Many MLM bloggers struggle with building a Network Marketing subscriber list because they don’t know how to create a great opt-in form. They also have no idea what types of content their audience wants from them. You can’t expect people to subscribe if you aren’t providing value and solving problems for your readers.

The best way to get more traffic, leads, and sales is by creating valuable content that solves specific problems for your target market.

An easy way to publish an opt-in on your WordPress MLM Blog is using LeadPages.

Tap into the power of Pinterest by pinning images from your blog posts across multiple boards

Pinterest is a great place to get new followers and drive traffic to your blog posts. Unfortunately, most people don’t know how to use it effectively for marketing purposes.

The average person spends just five minutes on Pinterest per session (that’s less than 3% of their day). If you want more exposure, you need to find ways to get in front of them again and again.

Pinterest is a great place to get more eyes on your MLM Blog content.

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Ty Tribble, MLM Blog Author