Randy Gage, a top earner at Agel has emphatically stated that he is not moving to Send Out Cards.

Over the 7 plus years, the MLM Blog has broken many stories and including Arbonne’s bankruptcy, Orrin Woodward’s move to MonaVie and many others. 

The MLM Blog always strives to get a story right and will always correct a story if it is wrong.  That is the case with the most recent Randy Gage story.  Randy commented directly and as soon as I saw his comment, I fixed the story.

For those of you suggesting that I included Randy’s name as a stunt to get traffic, I would say that after 7 years of writing on the subject of Network Marketing and being listed as # 1 on Google for “MLM Blog” and “Network Marketing Blog”, my traffic is just fine without making stuff up.

For the record, I have not seen a big spike in search traffic for “Randy Gage, Send Out Cards”, which would lead me to believe that Randy is being upfront with us about staying with Agel.

Search engine traffic is an interesting phenomena. When Arbonne reps were denying Arbonne’s bankruptcy, traffic was blazing with people search for “Arbonne Bankrupt”.

While you can’t believe everything you read on the Internet, you can pretty much bank on something being true when thousands of people are searching for that very thing.