The St. Joseph News Press ran a story about the latest Amway – Quixtar court case, but the web site for the paper is password protected so it might not have shown up in many online press services.

Here are some of the most interesting quotes from the article:

More than five years after wading into the labyrinthine world of network marketing, St. Joseph attorney Dan Boulware may be getting his chance to face Amway in front of a jury.

The article goes on to talk about the Missouri Court case and the arbitration ruling and then beings up an interesting point about Michigan Governor Candidate, Dick DeVos.

If Mr. DeVos wins in November, the timing of the court case means that Mr. Boulware may be in position to seek a sworn deposition from the sitting governor of Michigan. "If he’s governor, we’ll have to depose him when he’s governor." Mr. Boulware said.

Download PDF of the Amway – Quixtar Court Case Article