By Dan Mitchell, MLM Blog Correspondent
Here's a quote from Notre Dame Law Professor Robert Blakey:
“It is my opinion that the Amway business is run in a
manner that is parallel to that of major organized crime groups, in
particular the Mafia. The structure and function of major organized
crime groups, generally consisting of associated enterprises engaging
in patterns of legal and illegal activity, was the prototype forming
the basis for federal and state racketeering legislation that I have
been involved in drafting. The same structure and function, with
associated enterprises engaging in patterns of legal and illegal
activity, is found in the Amway business.”
Read more at the AmwayBlog …
Does anyone have any opinions on this? Speak up!
I'm not buying his "GoodSella" theory. Are you?
I personally think this is kind of bogus. I mean come on, they are comparing Amway to the mafia? I don't know, people have their own opinions and some people will do whatever it takes to make a company look bad, Amway or not.
Its more than mafia..people are tricked and lied and sucked in the amway by the motivational grouos like bww,wwdb,ltd,yager group and so on..
they are like parasites..these groups are giving amway bad reputation.