Do me a favor. Google Search: Comcast. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Did you see the ad for Comcast Cable?

Get cable with high speed internet. Leaves DSL in the dust. Order Now.

Does Comcast leave DSL in the dust? Probably. But that isn’t really the point of this post. The point is to show that companies often compare themselves with the competition.

Here are a few more examples:

Pepsi v Coke
Verizon v Nextel
Comcast v DSL
Passport v Quixtar
Amway v P&G
Quixtar v Wal-Mart

Lastly, my all time favorite:

Quixtar/Amway v THE J.O.B.
(Quixtar IBO’s like to spell out Job for you in case you forgot how to spell)

In my Amway/Quixtar days, I heard high level (Diamond and above) IBO’s say things like:

If you have a J.O.B. you are controlled by your boss. It’s the Journey Of the Broke for the Jackass Off the Boss." and "40 hours a week for 40 years of your life will leave you dead or broke at age 65."

But that is apparently OK. The same people that are up in arms about my blog bashing Quixtar are out bashing careers in order to further their business. Personally, I believe that Quixtar – done right, without the tools scam, has some advantages over a job, and if I were still a Quixtar IBO, I would probably point those out. But I’m not a Quixtar IBO, I am a former Quixtar IBO, that is now a Passport Independent Associate, therefore it’s logical that I point out the differences between Quixtar and Passport.